People and companies who don’t know about it get enticed by the prospect of earning an additional buck. A few of them are driven by greed , while other are driven by desperation. If people are not prepared, they could be one of the next victims of theft. However, you will see how fast-thinking sent some criminals running in this clip. One of them later was found by the police. The suspect will definitely spend time in the jail, and might have to look into bail bond solutions in the meantime.
The video shows a pair of criminals. One of them was responsible to smash the windows at a Bronx jewelry shop. The man who carried the money at home, leaving another with the loot. Security cameras capture the next thing that happens. The glass gets smashed and start looking for jewellery. In the meantime, an employee of at the location made the quick choice to reduce the mechanical gate that keeps the store in a secure place at night . The store is protected from intrusions. A lower gate stopped criminals that tried to escape. The police swiftly arrested the suspect, after being successful in identifying him through the surveillance camera.