5 Cool Ways to Stay Cool! – Awkward Family Photos

to avoid putting off HVAC repairs that take too long and also having a lot of windows. The effects of heat exhaustion, heat strokes and extreme heat are dangerous for your health. It’s essential to have a plan that will keep your house cool. Although air conditioning may be an obvious solution but there are many other easy steps you can implement to help cool down your home. This video demonstrates 5 awesome strategies to remain cool during the summer months.

First, turn off all of your electrical appliances. It can be a bit chilly in your home in the event that you leave electric appliances running. The energy they produce creates heat. Make sure that you shut all the blinds. Dark, shaded homes are more cool. Next, you can use a floor lamp and an ice cube jar for your DIY air coolant. Keep plenty of ice pack in your freezer provides a easy access to the relief from heat if your head begins to get warm. specialty ice packs are available especially for people with skin. Also, you can put your sheets into the refrigerator in order to keep them cool when you go to go to bed.
